Picture a Week is an idea that is wavering between being a list of my better photos and an attempt to take a picture a week.
It is going to be a curated list in that I might add photos, that are of the week, and I might take photos away if I decide that they don't make the cut.
There is a lot of codda woudda hand waving here. Truth is I am not sure how this will develop. It's an experiment both photographically and software wise.
All photos are mine, they are mostly taken with whatever camera comes to hand. Mostly Canon cameras or the pocket cam of choice an iPhone.
Picture a week is also an attempt to build using free stuff on the web, and to be serverless and all those buzz word things. I am building this very much in an agile style. ie build a bit, then improve a bit then add a feature and so on. So over time it should be better.
Currently the site uses …